thirteen's merciless blog
7-6-3 fantasy dinner party


Knitting Stuff

Laxer than ever, it would seem. Summer makes a girl lazy, I guess. Spacey from allergies, too. Let's see. Been knitting like a fiend these days. Made much progress on previously-mentioned scarf and blankie... I have pictures. Not posting scarf ones, though. Like I said, don't want scarf recipient, who may actually read this at some point, to see said scarf yet. Not yet. Blanket pictures, though. No problem there.

What else. Yes. I knitted a halter top. This is amazing to me. I became obsessed and didn't put it down until it was done, pretty much. It was like when I read East of Eden (years ago; I don't need Oprah thank you very much) or The Exorcist. Good times. Here are pictures of the halter, too. It is trashy. I love it. Not only is it the first major article of clothing I've ever knitted it is also my first foray into the wonders of I-cord. Oh my God. I-cord is the best thing ever. So elegantly simple and clever... and so so fun to knit! And you get nifty knitted snakes out of it! I want to knit I-cord all day long. And I love that the 'I' is short for 'Idiot'. That brings me endless joy. Elizabeth Zimmerman now officially gets an invitation to my fantasy dinner party. Other invitees include Peggy Noonan, Scott Thompson, Liam Lynch, April Winchell, Milan Kundera, Oscar Wilde (maybe not though cuz it's possible he'd be *too* clever and witty and make everyone else feel bad about themselves). Let's see. Robert Smith would be my date. Oh, and Kelly Havel would be my other date. And the scarf recipient. He'd be there too. Gavin Bryars. Need him there. Anais Nin. Tom Waits. Harry Crews. Edward Gorey. Camille Paglia. This one girl whose knitting blog I used to obsess over but which is now gone. Debbie Stoller. Bjork. My sister-in-law and her husband. More Kids in the Hall, too, I think. Ball and chain would have to be there as well. It would be a very good party. I would cook a really good, simple but elegant  meal and everything would go exactly as it should. Someone would invent a fancy cocktail right on the spot. It would be A Big Hit and would be named after the event. There would be at least a few really heated arguments. There would be cats around also. And various sexual couplings. It would be the best party ever. Oh, and maybe we could all knit. Yeah. I'd love that. Anyways.

The Project Linus blankie is coming along. Midway through second skein.

Close up on yummy yummy green blankie. Yum.

I do! I *love* I-cord! Weee!

Here's the finished halter. I knitted it with two strands at the same time... one green, one white.

My torso. In the halter. Woo. I'll post all halter details on the regular non-blog site.

Not Knitting Stuff

I have more thoughts on the fantasy dinner party. People I have left out. Leos Janacek. Hm. Ian Curtis. Peter Murphy. Andrew Blake (he needs a serious talking-to). That chick Justine that's been in a couple of his movies lately. Truman Capote. Ann Coulter would be entertaining. Rosario and Katie-Claire Mazzeo. Roger Heaton. Ball and chain's friend Shane. Ridley Scott. That narrator guy from House of Leaves (although allowing fictional characters opens a whole new can of worms...). Father Malachi Martin. Zombies! I dunno. This is getting out of hand. I'm sure there are lots more. Oh, this girl I know from online games. She rocks. Anyways. Another thing about the party would be that no matter how many people were there, there would be no stress about crowds. There might be tension, but it would be the fun kind and would easily be dissipated by one or another guest's antics. Or the specialty cocktail. Or the knitting or the sex or something. It would be very fun indeed. If you have any suggestions you wish to share, sign the gustbook or email me. Wee.
UPDATE! I FORGOT THE NABOKOVS! They get to come too. Vlad and Vera. I feel better now.

Anyone know what these little blue-black buggies are called? I love them desperately.

Moonlight, you will say!